I really love sharing some of the things that I read in great books or magazines; and as I have told you before {I think} there are many diffferent magazines that I read and anticipate the arrival for on a monthly basis {sometimes weekly, lol}.
Before I go on, I just want to say that I watched the movie "Little Women" the other day and as often as I have seen the movie or read the book I think that is definitely one of my staple movies to watch during the holiday season. It's such a great movie.
If you haven't seen it, then check it out. It is really good...I wouldn't watch it with your boyfriend or hubby ~ they may begin to cry from boredom...it really is a girly movie without it being the quintessential girly movie; if you know what I mean.
Anyways, this article I found in the December 2010 issue of Prevention. It's a great little magazine with tunz of tips on how to live a healthy lifestyle. Not only to eat healthily but how to take care of our bodies and there are medical tips in there as well. I know the target audience for this magazine is for women over 40 {it's true} but this little 24-year-old {me} really loves this magazine and I pick it up every month that it comes out and this little gem contains a load of wisdom for any woman of any age.
Think of this article as a present to yourself {after all the image in the magazine is a Christmas present that says "To: Me; From: Me}.
Make sure to take care of yourself in the new year, no one is as important as you are. :)
Give Yourself the Gift of Holiday Healing
Put happiness and health, joy and inspiration on your calendar every day of December, with our delightful to-dos of fun, food, friendship and more.
{Globetrotter Note: Sorry guys, I know this is a December thing and we are almost done December! BUT, it is still motivational as well as inspirational and you can tweak this and do this in January if you wish. Or just do it whenever your little heart pleases. :)}
DEC 1Winter activities such as skiing, ice-skating, sledding and tubing aren't just great calorie burners, they're exhilarating. "The speed and fresh air give you a sense of elation that you just don't get with may other workouts," says Robyn McKay, PhD, a positive-psychology researcher at Arizona State University.
Singing is linked to stress reduction. Even better, join a choir. One study revealed that on average, choral singers rate their satisfaction with life higher then the general public does - even when the actual problems the singers face are more substantial than those of the rest of us.
DEC 3Studies show that just the menthol smell alone will pep you up to enjoy the holiday festivities. It's also yummy for your tummy, helping to calm an upset stomach.
Munch Meringues.
These cookies have fewer then 20 calories a pop - and zero fat - so you can eat a handful without breaking the calorie bank.
Add 27 Dresses to your Netflix Queue.
Even the expectation of watching a favorite comedy ups mood-boosting endorphins by 27%, shows new research.
Skip the Baubles.
Instead of requesting jewelry, ask your husband to take you dancing. People are happier when they have life experiences instead of receiving material items, experts say.
DEC 7Tap Into the Power of Flowers.
People feel better and perkier when they see a bouquet first thing in the morning, and the energy boost lasts throughout the day, reports Havard researcher Nancy Etcoff, PhD.
Get a Helper's High.
A recent study shows that people who were asked to perform a different kind act every day - small courtesies such as helping a neighbor shovel her walk - reported a marked increase in happiness after 10 days. Whether you do it with money or time, giving is good for you. "Helping others increases your own level of gratefulness and positive emotions," says Sheela Raja, PhD, a psychologist and stress researcher at the University of Illinois.
Send Your Own Pillow Packing. To wake up feeling your best, you need a comfy headrest. If your pillow doesn't quickly spring back after you fold it in half, it's time for a new one.
DEC 10
Hold Hands with Your Sweetie.
When couples were more affectionate for a month, researchers saw a dip in their stress hormones and blood pressure and an increase in a hormone thought to calm and counter stress.
DEC 11
Make Friends with Hot Cocoa.
Just holding a warm beverage makes us more generous and friendly, fine Yale University researchers. Turns out warm hands are linked to warm hearts by way of a part of the brain called the insula, which helps process both physical temperature and emotions.
DEC 12
"Concentrating is very meditative," says Boston-based psychologist Alice Domar, PhD. "And you really have to focus to see things in the sky - the Milky Way doesn't have a sign on it!"
DEC 13
Become a Softie.
Dry, flaky skin is a downer. Keep your skin baby soft by switching to a superhydrating body cleanser. Two that leave you silky smooth: Dove Winter Care Beauty Bar ($7 for six bars; drugstores) and Melvita Extra-Rich Shower Cream ($17; melvita.com).
DEC 14Tuning in to the sounds of nature - listening to tweeting birds or rain on the roof also qualifies - quickly reduced stress in one study.
Bask in a Nutcracker Ballet Performance.
Haven't seen Clara and the Sugar Plum Fairy twirl and leap since you were a little girl youreslf? Get tickets to a local community performance. New research shows that people who regularly attend cultural events feel healthier and more vital then those who don't participate.
DEC 16
Grin as you Greet the Cashier.
Having a cheery attitude during the holiday season increases that chances that those around
you will feel warm and fuzzy too, according to one study.
Treat Yourself to a Salon Facial.
"I love facials for a relaxing experience and a temporary glow," says New Orleans dermatologist and Prevention advisor Mary Lupo, MD. Schedule it a day away from any big event, so the pinkness has time to fade.
DEC 18Make Holiday Cards Gratitude Cards.
Instead of signing your cards with a generic "Hope all is well," take time to express to friends and family what they really mean to you. Studies find that showing gratitude increases your own happiness by as much as 25%.
DEC 19
Savor Your Sunday.
Pick any Sunday this month and make it an errand-free day. Better yet, fill it with as many pleasurable activities as possible. Research shows that people have better attitudes, more energy, and fewer aches and pains on the weekends - a benefit that comes from having more control over your schedule and being able to spend time with loved ones.
DEC 20
Dive Into a Good Book
"Reading can have a tranquilizing effect," says Timothy Shanahan, PhD, a professor of urban education and reading at the University of Illinois in Chicago. "I usually read before going to bed - it stops my mind from racing and allows me to get away from myself for a few moments, which helps me relax and sleep well."
DEC 21A foam roller, that is. This hot fitness tool also has more pleasurable use: rolling on it to massage tight glutes, deltoids, triceps, and hamstrings (about $25; sporting goods stores). "It's the next-best thing to a professional massage," says Michele Stanten, Prevention fitness director.
DEC 22
Hit the Snooze Button.
Sleeping for 7-1/2 hours a night for 3 straight nights guarentees you'll get through at least five full sleep cycles a night, garnering the full benefits of stage-4 sleep (the most nourishing and restful) - and bolstering your immunity.
DEC 23
Pamper Your Peds.
Give shopped-out feet a well-deserved time-out with a 10-minute soak in the spearmint-, rosemary-, and eucalyptus-infused Aromafloria For Feet's Sake Perfectly Soft Spa Foot Soak ($10.50; aromafloria.com). Or, for instant relieft, spritz them with Freeman Bare Foot Cooling Foot Mist ($4; freemanbeauty.com).
DEC 24Cut Down Your Own Tree.
Being in the great outdoors reduces stress, improves mood, and boosts hapiness, reports Eeva Karjalainen, PhD, of the Finnish Forest Research Institute. It may also strengthen your immune system by increasing the number and activity of cancer-destroying cells. For a feel-good feeling to the season, be sure to "treecycle".
The same brain chemicals that make sex so pleasurable rise sharply when you're window-shopping. (No wonder Sex and the City had such a winning forumla!) To avoid overspending, peek through the glass when stores are closed or you've left your wallet at home.
The daily pick-me-up you'll get from it will be more satisfying than clothes or accessories, which you'll only wear every once in a while, finds new research.
Two-thirds of British women recently confessed to being bored by their daily routine. You too? Then shake things up: Eat breakfast for dinner, reroute your commute, or take a new exercise class.
DEC 28
(even if you're usually a Lady Gaga fan). After three 28-minute sessions of listening to Eine Kleine Nachtmusik, people felt more peaceful, more relaxed, and less stressed than those who tuned in to other music; they also felt higher levels of awe, wonder, and mystery.
DEC 29
Make a Date with You College Roommate.
Simply spending time with a favorite friend increases levels of the hormone progesterone, which can lower feelings of anxiety and stress, finds a recent University of Michigan study.
Peel Yourself a Clementine. When researchers mapped the moods created by certain fragrances, they found the scent of this sweet, juicy fruit more likely to boost joy. Not only will a whiff of one help keep you happy, the vitamin C, calcium, and potassium in it will help keep you healthy too.
DEC 31
Looking forward to a trip can boost your mood for as long as 16 weeks prior to the departure date, finds Dutch Research.
Phew! That was quite the doozey! But I hope you learned something from this little article and make sure to take care of yourself during the holiday season! And of course, all year round. :)
(Images: Google Canada)