I found quite the delightful recipe online today on one of my favorite
sites: MindBodyGreen.
I am really trying to transition to a completely organic and healthy way of
eating – which takes a bit of work. I work at a huge University with quite the
cafeteria…although after working here for nearly 6 years all the food gets
soooo boring – YAWN! Not to mention that there are a lot of foods that they
sell there that are just so unhealthy. Sure they have a salad bar that caters
to some vegans or people that have a gluten intolerance, but I am not sure I
would be able to get through a day on a bit of quinoa with carrots. :/ This caf
can definitely use some work!
Anyways! I try and eat as healthful as possible and obviously that has
worked for me in helping me sustain a 50lb weight loss! But now it’s time to
play around a little. :) Since quitting a lot of crappy
foods such as refined starches and alcohol I have been craving sweets a little
more than a bit lately. I have been hording chocolate like nobody’s business!
Another thing, is that I have barely been cooking! That’s right…I used to cook
every single night, no matter what time it was, I would try new recipes
constantly, but with a full time job, full time school and full time everything
else, I just don’t have the time or energy so a lot of the times Travis will
make his own dinner {usually pizza, he is a fiend} and I will have salads. Lots
of salads. Obsessed with arugula lately. And feta cheese!
So….it’s time to get back into the kitchen and try new things! So this
is the first thing I am going to give a try, especially this long weekend that
is coming up!
This recipe is apparently not only healthy but gluten-free, dairy-free and
suitable for vegan and Paleo eating plans! :)