Sunday, September 02, 2018

::letting it go::

It is that time again...the time that basic bitches thrive on. And I'm allowed to say such things because I am totally one of them - and damn proud of it! LOL.
I mean, I can't speak for everyone, but I can most definitely speak for myself and I freakin LOVE Fall! I am OBSESSED with everything Fall-related. Honestly. 
There is just something absolutely extraordinary about this season and I am eternally grateful that I am able to live in a province that has the most beautiful Autumn season. 
Even the simplest words can evoke such a visceral feeling in the pit of my stomach which I can only describe as joyous. Honestly! It pains me to say it because of how cliche it sounds but it's true. 
I love the colours. The clothes. The smells. 
The rotting leaves. The crunchy sound they make. 
I love pumpkins and apple orchards. Pies and baked goods. 
Hearty foods and stews. I love boots and huge sweaters. Cool weather and Fall clouds - yes, Fall has clouds! You know those days...where the sky is painted a cobalt blue so rich it looks surreal and ominous iron-coloured clouds that crowd the sky in blinding white auras. Looks like any minute it would rain but the persistent sun peeks out here and there. With that comes the biting breeze which causes you to prematurely whip out the fleecy, comfy clothes. You know what I'm talking about. 

Wednesday, August 15, 2018


Despite having a different blog (Live Well With Miss G) I feel compelled to always come over to this side to post...and yet I haven't. Ever since I had started my other blog and putting so much "pressure" on myself I lost interest in writing. 
This side of my blogging world seems so much more relaxed, cozier. 
I feel like I am betraying my other blog only because I spent so much time on it...but was it worth it? I don't know. 
Obviously not since I've barely posted on there and I was pretty darn consistent here. It didn't matter what I posted on here, I just went with it. So to get inspired once again let this be my return (ish) to the blogging world...and back to The Darling Miss G.

