Monday, November 18, 2019


I have a serious issue...
One that I am sure many other people can relate to - and that is comparing...
I compare myself to others all the time. 
I compare my body to others. I compare my face and makeup to others. My clothes. My car. My home. 
I compare my art and my writing...
That's one that is really affecting me lately. 

Thursday, October 31, 2019


It has been such a long time since I have posted on this blog. 
I have been going back and forth between sites and domains for a while now. Live Well with Miss G...Soma Shift...trying to push out something into the world wide web and into the world that I don't feel I really have in me to share or do. 
For some reason...every time I go back to this blog, I feel a heavy wistfulness...
All these other blogs that I tried starting had the "perfect blog" in mind - the blogs that I see by other people...but I mean, that is their jam. Their photography and perfecting their posts whereas for me, it's just a perfectly imperfect place to ramble on randomly. 
I think I'm going to come back to this for the time being. I feel more inspired to write here and feel like I can be myself without checking things over 1000 times and feel like I need to share something that others will like to see. I started this for myself...and I will continue with doing it for myself. 
I will most likely share some of my artwork here (I will explain this in another post) and my poetry (will explain that as well)...I will do my random ramblings and book reviews/wishlists...I will share recipes that I have actually tried!! And ones that I want to try in the future. 

This was more like a journal to me...I enjoyed it a lot! So...I guess I am back...for now. 
We all know how that goes with 


Tuesday, February 05, 2019


I’ve been at this blogging thing for a bit – but have gone off the radar, back on, off again…I enjoy writing a lot…and get inspired by so many things – want to get a creative as possible, but for whatever reason there are things that hold me back. I guess many of us go through these feelings from time to time – where we don’t trust our own selves to be the best we can be…or rather, what if our best self isn’t “good enough”? You’ll often hear people say that you should talk to yourself the way you would talk to a loved one or best friend – you would never tell them that they couldn’t do something or that you don’t believe in them, so why is it so easy for us to do it to ourselves? I mean, it becomes second nature in some cases to the point where you don’t even realize that you are in fact, slamming yourself down into the ground day in and out. 
I think this negative self-talk, paired with procrastination and oftentimes feeling like there are never enough hours in the day (which is complete BS!) lead me astray from some of the goals that I have for myself. From doing some of the things that I am completely passionate about.