Wednesday, November 16, 2011


Music is a huge part of life...that's what I think anyways...and there are certain songs that completely resound with you. Whether it be the lyrics, a guitar riff or melody. But for whatever reason, when you hear your particular song, it takes you back to places that are meaningful - happier times, or places that you look forward to in the future {if that makes sense}. Either way, no matter how many times you hear this song, you will NEVER get sick of it...
I played this song a billion's been my ringtone and sometimes I just play it on a continual loop.
I never really had a song until I heard this one...this ONE is MY song. :) 

"When The World Is Running Down, You Make The Best of What's Still Around"
The Police

Turn on my V.C.R., same one I've had for years
James Brown on the Tammy show, 
Same tape I've had for years
I sit in my old car, same one I've had for years
Old battery's running down, it ran for years and years

Turn on the radio, the static hurts my ears
Tell me, where would I go? I ain't been out in years
Turn on the stereo, it's played for years and years
An Otis Redding song, it's all I own

When the world is running down
You make the best of what's still around
When the world is running down
You make the best of what's still around

Plug in my M.C.I., to exercise my brain
Make records on my own, can't go out in the rain
Pick up the telephone, I've listened here for years
No one to talk to me, I've listened here for years

When the world is running down
You make the best of what's still around
When the world is running down
You make the best of what's still around

When I feel lonely here, don't waste my time with tears
I run 'Deep Throat' again, it ran for years and years
Don't like the food I eat, the cans are running out
Same food for years and years, I hate the food I eat

When the world is running down
You make the best of what's still around
When the world is running down
You make the best of what's still around
When the world is running down
You make the best of what's still around
When the world is running down

The first time I heard this song was when I lived at home and was watching a movie; Red Planet. The song is played near the beginning of the film where the crew members on board a space shuttle to Mars are having a few drinks. As soon as I hear it; I was beyond hooked.
This is why I chose this pic for it...whenever I think of anything remotely space-like, I instantly think of this song now as well. 


{Credit: Google Images/YouTube for Video}

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